Contact details
- Name:
- Dr Sofia Chanda-Gool
- Qualifications:
- Researcher Fellow of The Higher Education Academy 2007 and ILT(Institute of Learning and Teaching), Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice 2015 at Plymouth University: PhD with University of Bath(awarded bursary) 2003. Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling in Organisations with Bristol University 2007, BACP accredited 2009. MEd – Full Research with QueenslandUniversity of Technology. BSc (Hons) Psychology 2:1 with Open University 1995
- Position/Fellowship type:
- Associate Fellow
- Fellowship term:
- 01-Feb-2019 to 31-Jul-2026
- Institute:
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies
- Location:
- Plymouth PL1 4RD
- Phone:
- 07557880664
- Email address:
- Sofia.Chanda-Gool@sas.ac.uk
Research Summary and Profile
- Research interests:
- Civil Rights, Colonies & Colonization, emigration & immigration, Communities, Classes, Races, Culture, Globalization & Development, Human rights, International Law, International Relations, Modern History , Philosophy, Politics, Social Sciences
- Regions:
- Australasia, United Kingdom
- Summary of research interests and expertise:
My research interests include the exploration of cultural, social, and political contexts and the tensions they present. This is with particular focus on the Indigenous Australians and Global South communities and by contrast British colonialism and influence. I am also interested in the psychological dimension, understanding the challenges that minoritized people in the global south face, especially in relation to colonialisation.
Current research interests developed in line with my initial interest in cross-cultural contexts, the value in learning from contrasting cultures and the contexts that affect minoritized cultures.
My research in collaboration with Indigenous Australians and South Asian communities, impressed me in terms of what Western, developed civilizations could learn from these minority communities. My recent focus and publications on group work has critiqued our individualistic, competitive culture and by contrast drawn upon insight gained through working with minority communities who express a greater shared existence. Through facilitated group work students engaged more collectively, gained a sense of belonging and confidence to speak out as well as hearing each other better (the hearing element is also related to my work as a BACP accredited counsellor). Experience with Indigenous Australian and South Asian communities underlies this group work.
I have also developed and designed programmes to address issues related to equality and cultural diversity and have expertise in working in organisations to apply the knowledge I have gathered from my research.
- Project summary relevant to Fellowship:
Working with archival material, researching the origins of the colonialisation of Australia and considering Britain's involvement in the genocide of Indigenous Australia. The origins of power imbalance between the indigenous Australians and the colonizers provides a pertinent backdrop to the present situation for the Indigenous population.
White Australia is implicated in the genocide of Indigenous Australia. Examining historical, and political records on the colonisation of Australia provides insight into what happened. These dimensions also focus attention on attitudes to race and class. I will be reviewing the narrative of what happened and question who was involved.
Additionally, I will reappraise the meaning of colonisation at different levels. The situation remains unresolved as First Australians continue to experience high rates of incarceration and death in custody (refs). Germany’s aim to address the effects of colonisation in Namibia, (see Melber) and recognise culpability, contrasts with Britain's acknowledgement of culpability in the genocide of the First Australians, this passes under the radar.
I would still like to pursue the initial focus of ethnographic research and collaboration with Queensland University and the University of London that I started three years ago, but unfortunately the pandemic (Covid 19) highjacked this opportunity. I outline this original plan further below.
My intial plan was to return to my focus on Australian Indigenous communities' circumstances and to enhance knowledge of the communities’ resourcefulness, sophisticated beliefs and profound challenges they face living within the wider Australian culture. This concurs with recent international BLMs (Black Lives Matters) awareness of racism and colonial legacy. I am inspired by Professor Damien Short's work at the University of London (UoL) and will be working with him, Professor Kristen Lyons of the University of Queensland (UQ)and Dr Adam Hughes-Henry of Australian National University (ANU) to develop collaboration between the Human Rights Consortium's of UoL and UQ and pursue a program on: An ethnographic study of Incarceration and Indigenous Rights in Australia:Evaluating potential Genocide and Ecocide. I will be coordinating this work and my specific focus is on the incarceration of Indigenous mothers and the effects upon communities. This will incorporate colonist memorialisation of conflict with indigenous Australians. We are adopting a holistic approach, including analysis of land rights, behaviour of multinational companies and ecological concerns will provide the wider context. The social and ecological survival of communities will be contextualised within a Human Rights agenda to examine what support can be harnessed, and what is threatening Indigenous cultural, social and political future. Strategic ways forward will be identified. I have an ongoing interest in cross-cultural contexts and issues of identity and belonging. Cross-cultural tensions that children/families/communities traversing different cultures experience is implicit. With direct relevance to Indigenous communities I recognize that their experience of these tensions is fraught with challenges. For example racism, genocide and poverty compound the struggle these communities encounter. And yet I have found both Indigenous Australians and South Asian communities possess values and beliefs, as well as creative ways of life that can confer an affirming identity, and which may help them to survive, revealing exceptional flexibility and resourcefulness.
I draw upon an emancipatory, ethnographic (post structural and critical – post colonial) approach, which aims to advance awareness but also empower communities by creating a platform for their voices.
- Publication Details
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